Blogging Communities: Connect with Bloggers and Grow Your Blog

This blog post will inform you of the best blogging communities for 2024.

Getting traffic to a blog is difficult these days, owing to the fact that niches are becoming increasingly competitive. But would you believe me if I told you that there is a simple and quick way to increase traffic to your blog and build a regular readership?

There is, and it isn’t too difficult to accomplish. There are numerous blogging communities where you can promote your blog posts. These communities will undoubtedly assist you in increasing referral traffic to your blog.

Furthermore, if your content is unique and your writing style is appreciated by your readers, you can build a loyal readership.

The question is, however, which blogging communities to join. There are thousands of them on the internet, and the majority of them, while good, are not worth your time.

To assist you, we have compiled a list of the best blogging communities that will undoubtedly help you grow your blog’s audience.

So, without further ado, let us begin –

Best Blogging Communities

Before I go any further, let me clarify that this list consists of general blog networks to join in order to grow your blog. In addition to these, you should think about joining niche-specific blog networks.

1. Medium

Medium, founded by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone, is a fantastic blogging community that you can join. It was founded in 2012 and has since become a popular destination for people who want to share their stories, experiences, trending news, and other content.

If you are new to blogging, I highly recommend that you join this platform. This is due to the fact that Medium allows you to connect with other writers, industry professionals, and readers. Furthermore, you will always be up to date on the latest news from around the world.

However, it is important to note that Medium is not a link-sharing community. As a result, it will not help you grow your blog’s audience overnight. Instead, the platform allows you to share your knowledge with others, and if they like what they see, they can begin following your blogs.

You can add a link to your blog to your contributor profile, allowing your readers to connect directly to your blog. You can also use your blog’s posts as references by hyperlinking them. However, do not overdo it, as this may result in your account being banned.

The platform has a very clean and simple user interface that appears to be very minimal. You can follow other blogs and be followed in return. Overall, Medium is a fantastic blog network to join if you want to improve your writing skills and grow your blog’s audience.

2. BlogEngage

BlogEngage is an excellent choice if you need a quick solution to increase the traffic to your blog. BlogEngage is a high-end blogging community with a sizable monthly active readership. Brian Belfitt created the platform to assist unknown blogs in breaking into the spotlight.

The best thing about BlogEngage is that it is simple to use. To share your blog post, simply submit it to the platform and wait for other members to vote on it. To have your posts submitted, you must receive at least eight votes from members with over 2800 karma profile ratings.

When you submit your post, it will appear in the new section of the homepage. Other BlogEngage members can then find your posts, read them, and vote for them if they wish. The more votes your posts receive, the more traffic you can generate.

One thing to keep in mind is that if your posts are poorly written or don’t provide much value, other members are unlikely to upvote them. As a result, make an effort to publish properly structured blog posts that provide some value to the readers.

Along with increasing traffic and backlinks, you can also network with other bloggers and like-minded individuals. BlogEngage, as a premium blogging community, is completely spam-free. In addition, BlogEngage frequently sponsors contests in which you can participate and win prizes.

3. Reddit

Reddit is arguably the best online community on the internet, with over 400 million monthly active users. Though it is not primarily a blog-sharing platform, it has the potential to drive millions of visitors if used correctly.

The best part about Reddit is that it has thousands of different subreddits, most of which are dedicated to specific topics. For example, there is a subreddit devoted to technology. You can also find subreddits for specific types of technology, such as robotics or others, if you narrow it down further.

You can drive traffic to your blog by sharing it in these subreddits. However, before publishing anything on these subreddits, keep in mind that you must follow the policies of that specific subreddit.

Each subreddit has its own set of rules that must be followed. Otherwise, the moderators will quickly ban your account. Most subreddits allow you to submit links only after you have reached a certain karma level. Even after that, your account could be banned for breaking the rules.

The best way to grow on Reddit, in my opinion, is to take a hybrid approach. It is best to publish a variety of content types, such as short posts with references to your website, third-party website links, detailed posts, and so on. Engage with comments on your posts as well as those of other publishers.

4. BizSugar

BizSugar is a fantastic free community that can quickly drive thousands of readers to your blog. You don’t have to worry about paying a subscription fee or anything because this is a free community. All you have to do is sign up for the platform and you’re ready to go.

BizSugar publishes articles in a variety of categories, including marketing, finance, management, technology, and startups. You can also submit posts from other niches, but the members of this platform will not consider them.

As a result, we do not recommend this platform if you write in niches other than those listed above. BizSugar, like BlogEngage, includes an upvote system known as Sugars. This upvote system aids in bringing quality posts to the forefront.

There is also a recent tab where you can find articles that were recently submitted. Newly submitted blogs can get some recognition from this section, and if they get enough upvotes, they can be featured on the homepage and drive more traffic.

Additionally, you can use BizSugar to see what’s popular right now. You can use those keywords to create content and grow your blog organically. There are also sections where you can see the network’s top weekly and monthly posts.

5. DoSplash

DoSplash, like BizSugar, is a great platform for sharing your blog posts and gaining millions of visitors. The platform is well-known, with millions of monthly active readers. Jane Sheeba, the founder of Savvy Blogging Tips, introduced us to this platform.

The best part about this blogging community is that you can join for free. There is a Pro membership plan available, but it is not required to access the majority of platform features. If you are a professional blogger, you can upgrade to the Pro membership plan to fully utilize the platform.

DoSplash, unlike BizSugar, is open to a wide range of topics. Goal setting, movie reviews, health and fitness, technology, psychology, and other topics are among those covered. On the platform, you can basically publish almost any type of blog post.

DoSplash has a similar type of upvote system. The more upvotes your posts receive, the higher they will appear on DoSplash’s homepage. As a result, you will be able to drive more and more traffic. There is also a recent section where you can view the most recently published stories.

This blogger community’s user interface is straightforward. Everything on the website, especially the categories, is extremely well organized. The website has a very minimalist feel to it, which is fantastic. Overall, I believe you should give this blogging network a shot.

6. Triberr

Triberr is not only just a community where you can share your blog posts and generate some traffic. However, it is also a great platform for getting the most recent curated content created by top-tier influencers and bloggers. Triberr is therefore an excellent choice for people who are running out of new blog ideas.

Triberr will appear to be a premium service when you first visit the website. However, by signing up for a free account, you will gain access to various tribes where you can find new content, connect with other bloggers, and begin sharing your blog posts.

The platform’s tribes are similar to subreddits. You can join various tribes to find relevant articles, posts, and other content. It is also recommended that you only share your posts with relevant tribes. Otherwise, moderators may take severe disciplinary action against you.

After signing up, you can directly connect your blog’s RSS feed to the platform, which will automatically import all currently published and future posts. It should be noted that some Triberr features are only available to premium members.

However, the basic account is adequate for now. However, if you want full access to the platform, you can join the premium membership plans, which start at $18 per month when you sign up for an annual membership. We recommend starting with the basic plan and then upgrading to the premium membership if you feel you need more features.

7. Blokube

Blokube is next on our list. Blokube is yet another blogger community created and managed by bloggers for bloggers. Here you can share your blog posts and interact with other bloggers to expand your network.

Blokube is a community where you can exchange ideas, share valuable content, and interact with other people who share your interests. This platform will not only help you gain readership, but it will also help you learn from experts from various industries.

There are numerous opportunities to interact with other members. You can leave comments on their published posts, follow their profiles, or simply vote for their content. You can also contact them through their social media profiles. It’s worth noting that the majority of the features are hidden behind the login screen.

The website has a very simple and user-friendly interface. The user interface appears a little dated, but it is quite functional, so I have nothing to complain about. Bloggers with expertise in various niches and industries can be found here.

Blokube also uses an upvote system, which means that the more upvotes your posts receive, the more traffic you can drive to your blog. Because the platform is completely free, you may come across some spam posts from time to time. However, you should not be concerned about this.

8. MySpace

MySpace is a social networking platform in the United States where you can share a variety of content with other readers. The website receives over 400 million visitors per month, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to expand their readership.

MySpace, on the other hand, is not like the other blogging communities on this list. MySpace is similar to Medium in that the only way to reach an audience is to create and publish valuable posts on trending topics on the platform.

You can use your blog’s link as a reference and drive traffic between those articles from there. Though it appears to be difficult and time-consuming, if you are interested in trending topic niches, you can easily gain a large readership through MySpace.

Despite the fact that MySpace accepts posts from a wide range of niches, it is best suited to bloggers who write about movies, news, music, top ten lists, and other topics. You can also network with experts and professionals from a variety of industries, including music, blogging, photography, and filmmaking.

The platform’s user interface appears to be quite futuristic. The sign-up procedure is simple. You can connect through your social media accounts or sign up with your email address. Overall, MySpace can be a fantastic platform for driving massive traffic to your blog.

9. BlogAdda

BlogAdda is an India-based platform that allows bloggers to connect with other bloggers, showcase their blogs and writings, and discover new ones. The platform allows you to share your expertise with other members and build an audience.

The thing I liked best about BlogAdda is that it isn’t just for sharing your blog posts. Instead, the platform enables bloggers to engage with and connect with brands in order to monetize their blogs.

BlogAdda accepts blogs on a variety of topics. It makes no difference if you write about health, fitness, fashion, technology, travel, or anything else. You can join this platform and share your blogs to gain exposure.

The method by which BlogAdda aggregates content remains a mystery. However, once you’ve made it to the homepage, you can easily drive millions of readers to your blogs. This is why BlogAdda is one of the most popular Indian blog networks to join.

The platform’s user interface is straightforward. You can sign up for the platform using your blog, which is something that really impressed me. This device keeps spammers at bay, allowing you to connect with only genuine people.

10. GrowthHackers

Finally, GrowthHackers is on our list. GrowthHackers is not a blogging community where you can share and generate traffic for your blogs. Instead, it is a platform where you can join, connect with, and learn from leading bloggers, marketers, and entrepreneurs.

GrowthHacker has many topics similar to subreddits, but these topics are primarily about internet marketing. There is an AMA – Ask Me Anything topic where you can get answers to your questions from industry professionals.

Not only that, but you can find topics like growth studies, case studies of successful businesses, and blogs here. Along with that, there are topics on growth ideas, analytics, blogging, social media marketing, TikTok, and other topics.

As a result, I strongly advise all newbies and intermediates to join the platform and learn from the expert’s experiences. Joining the platform and implementing the strategies will undoubtedly help you rank your blogs higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are also premium rooms where you can learn some hidden techniques used by professionals. It is important to note that joining these rooms can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000, but the information you will learn there will help you make ten times more money than you invested.

Final Thoughts

Here is a list of the top blogging communities to join in 2024.

It’s not easy to get traffic to your blog, but with the help of these communities, you can get some early attention from readers before ranking first on SERPs. Promoting your blog posts on these blogging communities is much easier and faster than SEO work.

Though you should not avoid focusing on SEO, as it will be the best long-term investment for you to get some quick traffic, these communities are fantastic.

With that said, I’d like to conclude this article. I hope you found it useful. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section. Our team will make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible.



How can one engage and grow the blog community?

8 Ways to Significantly Increase Blog Engagement
  • Don’t hide your content. Do you have advertisements on your blog?
  • Write about the primary interests of your target audience.
  • Include something unique in your content that no one else has.
  • Make a visual.
  • Data should be used to back it up.
  • Select the best commenting system.
  • Solicit participation.
  • Publicize your content.

What is the purpose of a community blog?

Community blogs are primarily websites where many authors can post journal entries in a single space and where people can respond by commenting on community blog posts.

What is blogging and community building?

A blog community is simply a group of people who have similar interests and passions, as well as the same goals and ambitions, centered on a central idea. Email subscribers, social media followers, push notification subscribers, podcast subscribers, commenters, and so on could all be part of your blog community.

What is a Web blog?

A blog, also known as a Web log or Weblog, is an online journal in which an individual, group, or corporation keeps a record of their activities, thoughts, or beliefs. Some blogs serve primarily as news filters, gathering information from various online sources and adding short comments and Internet links.

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